
Audit Report_31.12.2020

Alex Enterprice Policy

Alex Enterprice ISM Report 2020

Scheme of interaction between  Alex Enterprice processes

Alex Enterprice ISM Report 2021


International certificates

Sertificate TÜV

Bottled water analysis

Complete Analysis


Medical documentation for mineral waters TM “Alex”

Certificate of conformity of “Alex” TM mineral waters 


Balneological conclusion of the table mineral water “Vershyna”

Special permit for the use of subsoil

Bottled water analysis

Certificate for the “Vershyna” trademark 






Conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiological expertise “Luzhanska”







Balneological conclusion “Poliana Kupel-5”

Special permit for the use of subsoil

Certificate for the trademark “Poliana Kupel-5”







Balneological conclusion “Poliana Kvasova-8”

Special permit for the use of subsoil

Certificate for the trademark “Poliana Kvasova-8”